Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday's Teaching Tips

Have a Point

Keep the application firmly in mind when creating the lesson and activities. Make sure the lesson teaches it, the memory verse reinforces it, the activities review it, and the children know it. Focus. Don't try to include everything related to the issue.
While the students are coloring or doing worksheets, just talk about the discussion points to see if they got it. This gives them a chance to ask application questions in a more conversational way.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Sis!

Happy Birthday to the best sister in the world! Love you lots! Thanks for being someone that I have always been able to look up to--I know that I am privileged to have a sister like you!Me and my sister Jennifer

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day!

We decided that rather than spend money on buying gifts for each other, we would spend the day together doing something fun. So, we spent our Valentine's Day at Virginia Beach enjoying the near 70 degree weather! What a treat for February! It was pretty windy, but that can be overlooked! :0) We ate dinner at Olive Garden and then walked through Williamsburg! Not many people live close enough to two tourist attractions like we do, so we try to take advantage of that while we are here!

Tuesday's Teaching Tips

Get them moving!

Incorporate movement into the activities as much as possible. Kids will move during class. It's much better to control that movement than to let it happen "their way". So alter typical class review activities to incorporate movement.

Here is an activity suggestion: Place a true sign on one wall and a false sign on another wall. The kids stand in the middle. If the statement is true, they stand by the true sign; if it's false, they go to the false sign.

Or have them play "hot potato" with a ball or some other object. When you stay stop, whoever has the object has to answer the question.


Monday, February 14, 2011

True Love

Since it's Valentine's Day, I most certainly could write a very mushy post...however, I won't put you all through that... :0) I do, however, want to write about what I believe is true love. In a world that is fast losing ( and maybe lost completely) its sense of morality and true love; I am blessed to be married to a man who first of all loves the Lord with all of his heart. It is because of that "first love" that he is then able to love me the way God has intended from the beginning. I believe that if we have not learned the meaning of true love from our Heavenly Father, who loved us so much He gave His very Sons' life's blood to save us; we are not able to love in the very truest sense of the meaning. Not many of us would be willing to sacrifice our only beloved child for the sake of someone who hated and despised us; but that is exactly what God did in sending His "only begotten Son" into this wicked world to die on a cruel cross for our sins. That, is TRUE LOVE. In that familiar, yet powerful verse from the Bible-John 3:16: "For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life", we see the message of TRUE LOVE.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday's Teaching Tip

Teach From the Bible

Rather than having your class book or notes on the desk and teaching from that, have your notes in your Bible and teach from it. We emphasis having our kids bring their Bibles to class, so let's put them to use. Pick out pertinent (and easy to read) verses from the lesson text for the students to take turns reading. That way they experienced that this was from the Bible.

*From eBibleTeacher.com

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday's Teaching Tip

Get Your Mind Thinking Early

Start early in preparing your lesson. Not just because it's easier, but because your mind will mull over the lesson even when you're not actively working on it. So if you're preparing a lesson and can't think of an appropriate craft, your brain works on that problem all week until it comes up with something. If you start the night before, you don't think of the perfect activity until it's too late.

*eBible Teacher.com